Nature is our playground to face our fears.

Nature is our playground to face our fears.

I believe exercising in nature is a metaphor for life. This week I was in a ski lesson that I knew before I went would be outside my comfort level. The instructor is a kick-ass female who loves to push the envelope. Even when the envelope isn’t hers! These women were...
Gratitude-Not Just For Today.

Gratitude-Not Just For Today.

Gratitude This one single word changes our entire life. Everyone talks gratitude this time of year. It’s the holiday to be “thankful”. I think it is wonderful that there is a special reminder to take time out of our day to count our blessings. I am not discounting the...
WIll this choice add to my life force?

WIll this choice add to my life force?

This is one of the valuable questions in Debbie Ford’s book entitled: The Right questions. What I love about all of her questions in this book is that to answer them, you must pop yourself out of autopilot and become conscious to your situations, actions and choices....
Observer or Reactor?

Observer or Reactor?

Observer Vs. Reactor People ask me: What is the biggest transformation you have experienced as a Life Coach? I believe it is becoming an Observer of my life vs. the Reactor. Can I tell you that I am perfect at this? Well, that would have to be a “no,”  but I own...
Grace, Flow and Letting Go

Grace, Flow and Letting Go

  In both skiing and life, it is all about grace, flow and letting go!  I had the honor of once again being a participant in a five day, ten hour a day, ski program entitled Magic of Skiing (  I have taken this camp 13 times. It is so much more...
Dear Glorious Universe

Dear Glorious Universe

Today is my birthday and I want to take this moment to tell you how grateful I am to you.  I know you always have my back and certainly more times than not, I am aware of how lucky I am and what an amazing life I have. There have been so many times of great joy in my...