Surfing the Emotional Waves of Covid-19

Are you like the rest of us, riding the ebb and flow of emotion as Covid-19 moves from days to weeks to months? I am betting the answer is a resounding YES.

I am with you. Seemingly out of nowhere, I sometimes wake up and am instantly off my game. I get curious. “Hmmm”, I say to myself, “something isn’t right. I feel down. What’s that all about?” Then, like a private detective, I go on a treasure hunt, digging deep to the root of my feelings. Often, the underlying cause is obvious, requiring little effort to unearth. Other times, however, it is a surge of general malaise, a cumulative impact of everything going on around me. And let’s not forget fear, which can raise its ugly head too.

Then the questions bombard me. When will I see my 93-year-old mother, living three thousand miles away? Will I be able to help my kids when their new baby arrives in the coming months? Will my first book, into which I poured my heart, get published on time? Will I ever be able to experience a book tour? Will it be my turn to get sick? When will this craziness end?

I plunge into the rabbit hole, and on and on goes my monkey-brain. I allow myself to wallow in my private pity party. I have compassion for my fears and anxiety. I question why now and why these feelings? I welcome the luxury of expressing them all. I don’t judge or make any wrong.

Trust that all our feelings are welcomed visitors, here to tell us something. Stay curious.

I want to embrace my feelings and give them their day but then move through the discomfort of the emotions by asking specific questions.

  • What is my fear telling me?

  • What is the worst-case scenario?

  • What is the likelihood it will happen?

  • What will I do if it does happen?

When I become the observer, I dissect the feelings and change the outcome. In the role of observer, I can reinterpret what I am thinking. I examine my situation and distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. What is the best-case scenario? What are my options? I use my creativity to find new outlets and avenues and see the gifts in what is happening. My mood changes, which helps me spiral up instead of down. I become flexible. I see outside the box. I use gratitude throughout my day to infuse me with bursts of positivity. I ask for help and love and, when people help me, I can see the brighter side of things. I honor the space between what no longer is happening and what is to come. I take my time in this space. I get comfortable in not knowing. I breathe!

What I want you to remember is we all fall. The challenge is how long we stay down, which is where our responsibility to ourselves lies. It is a choice we make. You may need to set boundaries to control and monitor whatever is making you feel bad or worried. For example, you may need to:

  • stop social media

  • stop listening to the news

  • stop listening to everyone discuss Covid-19

  • start more self-care

  • start more mindfulness

To recap, welcome all your feelings without judgment. Have compassion for yourself and the rise and fall of your feelings. Allow yourself a little pity party, put on your big girl (boy) pants, and move on.

The getting up and moving on is a choice you make.

Make it.

If you need support, I am here for you. We are in his together. Everyone needs support. You can email me: at or set up a free discovery session at:



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