Another Ending, Another Beginning
As time moves on . . .
I invite you to do more than reflect on the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022. I invite you to look back and forward with keen curiosity. See your life as a case study, a personal excavation and archeological dig on yourself.
It’s been one hell of a year for most of us. We’ve had a year full of losses and wins. We need to carefully assess and appreciate the lessons and the gifts. The end of the year brings closure and the opportunity for quiet reflection and letting go.
In terms of the losses, ask yourself:
What could I have done differently?
Who could I have asked for help and didn’t?
What did I make it mean about me?
What steps can I take to improve my chances for success?
What did I not anticipate?
Were my expectations too high?
Were there things I needed to know and didn’t bother to learn?
Were there red flags I ignored?
What excuses did I use for lack of success or shattered expectations?
How do I use this reflection as a stepping-stone for future success?
In terms of the wins, ask yourself:
Who helped me make the year a win?
Is there a way to improve on what I accomplished?
What am I making what occurred mean about me?
Have I expressed gratitude to the Universe, myself, and others?
Have I taken time to breathe in the win and acknowledge my success?
What steps can I take to bring the win(s) to the next level?
Did the win(s) help me build self-confidence and self-trust?
I love these questions because they free us from autopilot. If you are feeling stuck entering the new year, make this the demarcation where you will no longer tolerate being trapped. Commit to yourself that stepping into 2022 will be different than 2021.
You need not do this alone. Merely make the commitment and then ask for help. I have a myriad of tools and opportunities to help fulfill the commitment to get unleashed.
1) Read the first chapter of my book for free.
2) Read my book and begin the journey immediately by yourself.
3) Join my self-driven evergreen course, and with the book and workbook and audio lessons take a deeper dive while doing the work on your own timetable.
4) Join my waiting list for group coaching with my Bigger Better Brave Group or Setting Healthy Boundaries Group coming in 2022.
5) Book a discovery call for one-on-one coaching for any of my coaching modalities.
Give yourself the gift of your own time, expansion, and transformation this year. Let’s make 2022 our best year yet—together!
P.S. I want to leave you with two action steps as you move in 2022:
1) What is one thing you will no longer tolerate in yourself in 2022?
2) What is one thing you will integrate into your life in 2022?
Make a promise to yourself to remove one thing and add another.
In love and light,