How to Handle the Holiday Stress

How to Handle the Holiday Stress

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which as we all know, conjures up an array of emotion. Family time can be a mixed bag. If you are lucky enough to have family, you know about the usual drama associated with who is hosting and who is and isn’t coming....

Navigating Loss

Navigating Loss

    This blog on grieving is as much for me as it is for my readers. The grieving process isn’t easy, but it is a natural response to loss. My father passed last week after battling prostate cancer that metastasized to bone and liver cancer. He handled dying...

What do you believe about yourself?

What do you believe about yourself?

How are your beliefs about yourself? Self-esteem is how we view ourselves, our own value, and our sense of worthiness. It is a critical component to our decision making, risk taking, and motivation. Those with lower self-esteem tend to believe they are not as worthy...

How do you see your self?

How do you see your self?

How do you see yourself? Whether we realize it or not, how we view ourselves defines so many aspects of our lives and daily interactions. Any given situation presents us with an opportunity to manifest whatever beliefs about ourselves we hold, and so it’s important to...

Are you a perfectionist?

Are you a perfectionist?

I don’t think of myself as a perfectionist. But I when I started researching the subject, I saw my footprints everywhere. That said, any quality in anyone is within us as well. It may not look the same, but it’s there. Therefore, I wasn’t surprised when many of...

Why Don’t We Listen To Our Bodies?

Why Don’t We Listen To Our Bodies?

That is not a rhetorical question. It is personal, as well as pinpoints a dilemma for my clients. I am recovering from adrenal fatigue. You can imagine how much stress a body must absorb to blow up its adrenal system. In 2017, I biked for two weeks in Thailand and...

Is the ticking of your biological clock deafening?

Is the ticking of your biological clock deafening?

As a life coach, I see so many 30-something women who anguish over finding a partner and starting a family. Are you one of these women? Here are some tell-tale signs. • Do you brood when seeing friends with children?• Have you been the bride’s maid but not the bride...

2018 Vision from 2017 Lessons

2018 Vision from 2017 Lessons

Year-end brings a natural inclination to reflect on what we did well in 2017. How close did we come to the vision and goals we set 12 months earlier? What could we have done better? What gifts and lessons did the year bring us? What habits or behaviors do we want to...

My Call to Summit:  Kilimanjaro

My Call to Summit: Kilimanjaro

I am writing a book. I never thought about being an author although I always found writing a powerful avenue for self-expression. When I decided to climb Kilimanjaro, I felt a call to write about the experience, not only to share my training and the climb to the...

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day, unlike some holidays, can provide a chance to reflect and take deep personal stock. I am a mother of two grown sons and the grandmother of three baby girls. I have daughters-in-law who are thick in the midst of raising babies. I coach women in their...